Construction Site Safety Policy
I.) Forward:
In application of this Construction Site Safety Policy, it must be recognized that we have a widely diverse group of workers on our job sites throughout the construction process. Therefore, safety precautions applied to one group may not necessarily be applied with the same emphasis to another group.
The workers fall into the following four (4) categories:
A. Professionals (e.g.. masons, electrical, plumbing and HVAC sub-contractors).
B. Experienced volunteers (e.g. Board members, “hardcore/regulars”, etc).
C. Inexperienced volunteers (e.g. Church groups, UW-SP HFH Chapter members etc.).
D. P.J Jacobs Junior High Tech. Ed. Students
II.) Policy:
1. Safety on the job site is a prime consideration and will be constantly emphasized. Although the job site manager/coordinator is the principal “safety officer”, it is not his/her sole responsibility. Therefore, it must be impressed upon everyone on the job site that safety is, by necessity, a team effort.
2. Sub-contractors (Category I.A., above) will be required to perform their work in accordance with OSHA, DILHR, and applicable municipal building code standards. Any deviation from acceptable standards noted will be brought to their attention immediately.
3. At the beginning of each volunteer workday, the job site manager/coordinator (or his/her designee) will conduct a safety briefing for all volunteers on the site. The briefing will at a minimum, cover the following subjects:
A. Designation of job task supervisors (usually Category I.B. personnel, above).
B. Ascertaining expertise level of Category I.C. volunteers, and teaming them up with job task supervisors.
C. General orientation to critical facilities/equipment on the job site (e.g. Toilet facilities, water/refreshments, electrical circuit panel, first aid kit, telephone for emergency use, particularly dangerous areas, etc.).
D. Instruction (usually by Category I.B. team leaders) on the operation of tools/equipment with which Category I.C. volunteers are unfamiliar. This instruction will be conducted using a “Tell/Show/Do” format. TELL (them how and for what purpose the equipment is used); SHOW (them how to use it); LET them DO (the task) under close supervision/coaching until they demonstrate proficiency and confidence.
E. All volunteers will be reminded that Job Site Safety is everyone’s responsibility. Anyone who notices a potential hazard should bring it to the attention of their job task supervisor for corrective action. In the event of a serious safety problem (e.g. Serious personal injury, electrical short circuit, fire, etc), the command “STOP WORK SAFETY – STOP WORK SAFETY” will be given. All work on the job site will cease immediately and will not resume until appropriate steps have been taken (e.g. Appropriate first aid rendered, problem rectified, etc.). Resumption of work after a “Stop Work-Safety” situation will be only with the explicit authorization of the job site manager/ coordinator (or his/her designee).
4. Students in the P.J Jacobs Junior High Tech. Ed. Class follow a set of standards and safety rules, which have been reviewed/approved by the school administration, School Board, and State Department of Public Instruction. They are supervised by school staff at all times while on the job site, and their procedures are hereby incorporated into this policy by reference. (NOTE: A complete copy of their policies, procedures, and test materials is maintained by the job site manager/coordinator.)
III.) General:
1. Equipment (e.g. Ladders, scaffolds, electrical cords, tools, etc.) will be inspected by the job site manager/coordinator on a continuing basis. Items which are deemed unsafe/unserviceable will be removed from service and either repaired or disposed of, as appropriate.
2. Use of safety equipment appropriate to the job task (e.g. Safety glasses, ear plugs, etc.) will be stressed.
3. Volunteers will not be dared or challenged to perform tasks beyond their capabilities, or which they fear (e.g. Operating a pneumatic nailer, climbing a ladder or walking on the roof, installing shelves in a closet with the door closed etc.).
4. Horseplay will not be tolerated.
5. Clothing which could create a safety hazard (e.g. Open toed shoes, loose clothing which could become caught in power tools, etc.) will not be allowed on the site.
6. Possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages and other drugs (other than OTC drugs, and those prescribed by a competent medical professional) will not be permitted at the construction site. Anyone who appears to be under the influence of alcohol or other drugs will be instructed to leave the site.