We are able to fulfill our mission of working with qualified low income families to build and then sell to them decent, affordable shelter solely because of the generosity (both in time and money) of many people and groups. Our listings are by no means exhaustive. If you have been gracious enough to help us in any way, you have our sincere thanks. A big thanks to Aaron Ackeret for the new web design and technical support.
For our home at 340 6th Avenue would especially like to thank:
All the “Hard Core Volunteers ”
A-1 Flooring Advanced Disposal AIG Badgerland Caldwell Banker Chets Plumbing and Heating Ellis Construction Feltz Overhead Doors JRT Portable Toilets Kurt Lepak Lycon Inc. Rick Marquis City of Stevens Point Undercover Quilters UWSP Women’s Basketball Wisconsin Building Supply YMCA Past and Present Board Members |
ABC Supply Co. Inc.
Anderson Law Firm Associated Bank Brock’s Drywall CAP Services DOW Insulation Products Fahrner Excavating IBEW 388 Knight Barry Title Lowe’s Menard’s Schneider/Square D Thomas Masonry UWSP Campus Habitat Whirlpool Corporation WPS